Periodically a group of tourists will come through. It doesn't matter whether we speak the same language, if they understand "FREE HUGS" it is a human gesture. Lucky me, its becomes a hugfest. Then I feel like a celebrity with the paparazzi because they all want a photo to share with their loved ones back home of them sharing a free hug while visiting an outdoor market in the USA!
There are so many great huggers on the planet! And the world needs more hugs! So here is my call to action to all you huggers out there. BE the "Official Hugger" in your immediate environment. Where ever and when you can. With family, friends, neighbors, associates, at church, clubs you attend, where it is appropriate and you feel comfortable. By exercising proper hug etiquette you establish a safe place to share hugs.
Together let's make a difference one hug at a time! |
Let the world know YOU'RE a Hugger, when you wear your Official Hugger t-shirt. But that's not all! (I've always wanted to say that!) You'll also receive an Official Hugger Card with the Daily Hug Prescription and Proper Hug Etiquette. For order details contact me.
If you're a hugger, send me a hug with a comment below. Share my blog with other huggers you know. Join me in this endeavor and connect with me on
Hugs to you,